LikesForge uses proprietary systems for sending social traffic to videos. The updated system hasn't run into any issues and the current success rate since January 22, 2015 is 100%.
YouTube measures the quality of views based on how long a viewer watches your video. Purchase the add-on for High Retention views for better results.
Most orders will begin within 24-48 hours, and will take less than 7 days to complete. Each package has a specific estimated speed listed.
Entice viewers to like your video by showing them how many other viewers you already have.
Increase organic viewers along with credibility by making your video popular.
Each campaign generates referral traffic from social networks. Since it's real traffic, there's no risk of any related issues.
Simply select a package depending on the number of views you want.
Copy and paste your YouTube video URL to the order form.
Look how your video gets more and more views.
We guarantee 100 percent professionalism and only employ techniques to generate and deliver views from authentic and genuine profiles and ensure that all our practices do not compromise the legitimacy and result in negative ranking of your YouTube profile.
We offer one of the fastest YouTube views services, delivering your views in as quickly as 2 to 4 hours. Depending on the number, your orders may take 48 hours or more to complete.